Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Spiritual Gifts Discussion

Administration Apostle Celibacy Discernment Evangelist Exhortation Faith Giving Healing Helps Hospitality Intercession Interpretation Knowledge Leadership Martyrdom Mercy Miracles Pastor Poverty Prophecy Service Teaching Tongues Wisdom

We've been talking about spiritual gifts in our cell. Here are some of the verses that have been guiding us:

Ephesians 4:1-16 (NIV)
1Cor 12:1- 13:3 (NIV)
Matthew 25:14-28

Using a spiritual gifts discernment questionaire, we identified our own spiritual strengths, some of which surprised us! Some of the results surprised us, for being considered spiritual, such as Administration. There are people among us who the Spirit guides through discerning and creating the processes that keep us, the church, a healthy organism - that's a good thing!

We've been just as surprised at the discovery that God has placed gifts in us, such as Faith*. Many of us feel and know faith but don't understand if there is a difference between faith in general and faith as a gift. Is it all a gift and lots of us get it in different amounts?

Clearly, as followers of Jesus, we are all called to have Faith*. We are called to show Mercy. As disciples, we're called in a lot of challenging and rewarding ways. But, in all kinds of ways, where some are carrying out Jesus' imperatives, others are expressing their gifts. Huh!

So, we have more questions than answers. We hope a discussion can breathe some insight into our search.

Here are the questions I'd like us to discuss:
  • How is operating out of our personal strengths different than operating out of our spiritual gifts - is it?
  • How do you discern the difference between your areas of giftedness versus what you approach as a spiritual discipline?

*Taken from the questionaire: "To have faith is the gift God gives members of the body of Christ by which they see the will and purpose of God for a time or context and trust Him to bring about the supernatural or miraculous."